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I never had an Aboriginal coach in Rugby League. That’s where part of the issue lies, I never had a basis or formation of what Aboriginal coaching looks like. I had no one from a similar cultural background that I could measure myself up against - in essence, I had no accessibility to a figure that I could look up to and emulate. 


This is where Coaching Unlimited can become an integral part in increasing Indigenous participation in sport long-term. More coaches will breed more coaches as inspirational community leaders for Aboriginal youth. This is because Aboriginal coaches do more than coach - they understand and empathise with Aboriginal issues on mental, physical and emotional levels that can go a long way to ensuring a long term affiliation in sport. And that is what Coaching Unlimited has the power to do - provide more opportunities for Aboriginal coaches in order to make that impact that could improve a child’s quality of life, whether it be  sporting or not.

Bou Ovington | Rugby League Coach | Darug man | PDHPE and English Teacher

Where I’m from we don’t get the opportunity to attend courses like the Community Cricket workshop and to have the minds that we had speak to us was unreal. A massive thank you, I really appreciated everything Coaching Unlimited did! I’ll be spreading the word about the good stuff you guys do and when the course comes out next time I’ll be making sure more get there."

David Bruton-Duroux | Bundjalung & Gumbaynggirr man | Community (Level 1) Cricket Coach



Just wanted to reach out and say a massive thank you to CNSW and the guys from Coaching Unlimited for organising the Coaching Course. I found the in-person method was greatly beneficial and there is plenty for myself to take away and learn from and implement going forward. This program is a great addition to what Cricket NSW have going on in the Indigenous space, so a massive thank you again.

Taine Martin | Biripi man | Community (Level 1) Cricket Coach

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